Adam Johnson Memorial Award

Adam Johnson Memorial Award

Adam Johnson was born and raised in Kelvington, Saskatchewan. It wasn’t long after he started walking when his Dad put him on skates and a love of sports was discovered. Adam either had a mini stick in his hand or a ball bouncing in the house much to everyone’s amusement. The love of sports continued as Adam played any sport he could. He excelled at hockey, baseball, basketball and won three provincial volleyball titles with his high school team.

Following high school, Adam tried his hand at numerous jobs but later settled in at Sask Polytech and, at the time of his death, was looking to enter into the fourth year of the plumbing apprenticeship program.

A look through Adam’s social media accounts is filled with him smiling, laughing and showing off some crazy dance moves. Picture after picture shows Adam smiling and, with that silly grin and infectious laughter, those around him are happy and laughing as well. Adam could make friends wherever he went. He had friends from coast to coast and every person that knew him has felt his loss.

Not only did Adam show everyone his smiling disposition, but he was generous to a fault. He never left a convenience store without buying a coffee for the person sitting on the step outside asking for money or buying an extra hamburger for the guy he could see outside the window of the fast food place with a sign that said “hungry, please help”. More times than we can count, he gave away his gloves in the winter to people he would see at the stop lights.

Adam was the fun guy. Throughout his smiles and laughter, the acts of kindness and the friends and family who loved him, no one knew the demons that were in his head. Check in with your friends and family. Ask the tough questions. Keep talking. We never know when someone close to us is suffering in silence. Keep sharing space with one another. This would make Adam proud – that each and every one of you will stand up and support the other’s mental health in any capacity.

The Adam Johnson Memorial Award is intended to encourage and recognize Saskatchewan youth with academic achievement and financial need. This award will support students enrolled in any full-time certificate or diploma program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.