Indigenous Student Award

To be eligible to receive the Indigenous Student Award, a student must be enrolled full-time in any Applied Certificate, Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Degree program at any Saskatchewan Polytechnic campus, and be of self-declared Indigenous Ancestry (Indigenous ancestry includes Status/Treaty Indian, Non-Status Indian, Metis and Inuit). Include a brief story detailing the direct or inter-generational effects you have experienced because of the Indian Residential School System. We would also appreciate if you can share how this award will help to advance one of more of the following: your education, language, culture, community and/or personal development.

Financial Need (50% weighting). Personal story and Career development/growth (50% weighting). At least one student from each campus will be selected to receive this award.

Number Available: 5

Future Generations Foundation
Supplemental Questions
  1. Provide a brief statement detailing the direct or inter-generational effects you have experienced because of the Indian Residential School System.
  2. Share how this award will help to advance one of more of the following: your education, language, culture, community and/or personal development.