Dumur Industries Award

Be enrolled full-time in one of the programs listed below at Saskatchewan Polytechnic Regina campus. First preference will be to Welding or Machinist students. Students must be a resident of the Regina and surrounding area for the past 12 months. Preference to students of self-declared Indigenous ancestry. Indigenous ancestry includes Metis, Status/Treaty Indian, Non-Status Indian and Inuit.
Eligible Programs: Welding, Machinist, Innovative Manufacturing, Design and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (program is located at Saskatoon campus, but student must be from Regina).

Financial Need (50% weighting). Academic Achievement (50% weighting).

Number Available: 2

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a resident of Regina and/or the surrounding area?
  2. If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please enter your corresponding address - include town name and postal code. .